


SAP GRC Risk Management Implementation- Best Practices

SAP GRC Risk Management Implementation- Best Practices

SAP GRC Risk Management Implementation, SAP GRC

What is SAP Risk management?

SAP Risk Management in GRC is used to manage risk-adjusted management of enterprise performance that empowers an organization to optimize efficiency, increase effectiveness, and maximize visibility across risk initiatives. Risk management also involves proactive monitoring into existing business processes and strategies.

Tips & Tricks

Functionality –

  1. Risk Identification –

Using the concept of risk proposal workflow which can be an outcome of activity survey / asset survey to identify the risk identify the risk , we can use uploader program to upload the risk during the initial build. Each risk would need risk owner and a risk expert as a part of workflow process.

  1. Risk Analysis

Categorizing the risk in quantitate and qualitative

(A). Qualitative risk analysis can be assessed through risk assessments by measuring the impact and probability of the risk – we can use either 3*3 or 5*5 metrics to measure the heat map.

(B). Quantitate measure can be carried by using Monte carlo analysis.

  1. Risk Treatment

Risk treatment can be done through central control assignment in case of Integration with SAP GRC process control and a direct response can be assigned in case of stand-alone GRC risk management.

  1. Key Performance Indicator

Key performance indicator can be done using various options – the most preferred would using SAP HANA views if customers are using SAP HANA DB , other scenarios like tables , query can be used in case of no HANA views.

Using S/4 tables as reference

Every business will undergo different risk & challenges in the market, so it’s depending on how they deal with such circumstances to minimize the risk & challenges to maximum extent with proactive to the situation rather than reactive. This will help to reduce further challenges to arise with better adaptation and effective framework & workflow systems.

DataNub Technologies services & solutions helps the customers to deal with such circumstances with proper framework and workflows in the business system, which enables our clients to have prompt solutions to the challenges which arises without muddling the existing business process.

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